204 Ion Operations Manual
Recording to a New Cue List
When recording cues, cue list 1 is initially used as the default cue list. Cue list 1 is displayed with
only the cue number. It does not have a lead cue list number or a “/”. To record to another cue list,
that list must be specified. Cues will then be recorded to that cue list until another list is specified,
or until the selected cue is changed in live.
You may record up to 999 cue lists in an Ion show file.
The cue list that you are storing to is always determined by the selected cue, unless you specify a
different cue list. The selected cue is displayed just above the command line on the CIA, and at the
bottom of the live/blind screen.
The selected cue is the last cue that you affected in live. This includes a record, an update or a
playback action such as [Go], [Back], or a [Go To Cue] instruction, or simply changing the timing
on a cue. It is very useful to keep an eye on the selected cue. Pressing [Live] will resync to the
active cue.
Using Record
[Record] will record all parameters of any channels that have non-default values to a specified cue.
To record to a new cue list, press:
[Record] <Cue> [2] [/] [5] [Enter] - this will create cue list 2 and will record the data to cue
5 in that cue list.
Any cues recorded after this will automatically record to cue list 2 until another cue list is specified
or the selected cue changes the cue list number.
Using Record Only
[Record Only] can be used to create a new cue list instead of [Record]. [Record Only] stores only
manual data to the specified cue.
To record to a new cue list press:
[Record Only] <Cue> [2] [/] [5] [Enter] - this will create cue list 2 and will record all manual
data to cue 5 in that cue list.
The cue list display will change to show only data from cue list 2. Any cues recorded after this will
automatically record to cue list 2 until another cue list is specified or the selected cue changes the
cue list.

Make Manual

This softkey can be used to convert live cue or submaster data into manual values, allowing them
to be included in the [Record Only] operation. Therefore data from other cues or lists can be
selectively converted to manual data and then stored to another cue/list using [Record Only].
For more information on {Make Manual}, see Using {Make Manual}, page 231.

Using Assert

By default, channel parameters only respond to move instructions during playback (see Cue List
Ownership, page 6). The [Assert] function allows tracked or blocked data from a cue to be
replayed, even when another cue list has taken control of that channel or parameter.
Assert can be applied to cues, cue parts, channels, channel parameters, or to entire cue lists.
Asserted channels will play back their tracked and blocked values, regardless of cue list ownership,
when the associated cue is replayed.