5Setup 99
Grandmasters, submasters, and playbacks may appear on more than one fader page.
In a partitioned control environment, the mapping of the faders (with the exception of the master
fader) is global.
Master fader pair
It is possible to map the master fader pair as well. This will allow separate users to have different
lists loaded to the master fader pair. The default mapping for the pair is 0.

Cue Settings

This screen allows you to set the default cue times for the parameter categories of your Ion system.
To change a time, click the parameter category button in the CIA and enter the desired time on the
keypad. To set a time for all categories at once, press {Selection Button} [Thru]. Pressing [At]
selects manual times.
The categories for which you may set default times are:
Intensity Up
Intensity Down
• Focus
Specifying a {Mapped to} location does not specify the cue list that will be loaded
to that playback. Cue lists can be assigned to any playback. {Mapped to}
establishes the order in which faders will be loaded.