16 Cue Playback 219

Other Go To Cue options

When [Go to Cue] is pressed, the softkeys in the CIA are changed to provide Go to Cue modifiers
to enhance your playback ability.
From these softkeys, you can specify that when going to a cue, only some elements of that cue will
be played back. Specifically you can choose to play back:
single parameter channels only (conventionals),
[GoTo Cue] [1] {SingleParam} [Enter]
multiple parameter channels only (moving lights),
[GoTo Cue] [2] {MultiParam} [Enter]
move instructions only,
[GoTo Cue] [3] {MovesOnly} [Enter]
use marks,
[GoTo Cue] [5] {Use Marks} [Enter]
or you can choose play back a cue and withhold any link (follow, hang, execute instructions)
it may contain.
[GoTo Cue] [4] {MinusLinks} [Enter]
sets up the selected cue for manual control using a fader
[Go to Cue] [6] [Time] {Manual} [Enter]
These can be combined within the command line as well:
[Go To Cue] [1] {MultiParam} {MovesOnly} [Enter]
[Go To Cue] [4] {Complete} [Enter] will go to cue 4 and if that cue has a follow/hang, any following
cues in the sequence will also fire. This may look like you are going straight to the last cue in the
sequence, but each cue will fire to make sure that any external links are fired.
[Go To Cue] [2] [At] [5][0] {Complete} [Enter] will go to cue 2 at 50% of its completion.
Cue lists other than the currently selected one can be homed as well by using the syntax, [Go to
Cue] [x] [/] [Home] [Enter]. For example, [Go to Cue] [2] [/] [Home] [Enter] would execute the
first cue of list 2.
[Go to Cue] [x] [/][Out] [Enter] allows you to use the [Go to Cue] [Out] command on a list specific
basis. [Go to Cue] [Out] continues to affect all active cue lists.
[Go to Cue] [5] [Time] [Enter] will go to cue 5 using cue times, and also uses any associated
follow/hang times to automatically trigger the subsequent cue. To go to a cue in cue time, but not
trigger the follow/hang, you would use [Go to Cue] [5] {Minus Links} [Time] [Enter].
[Go to Cue] [x] [/][Out] is similar to [Go to Cue] [x] [/] [0] [Out] except that any
NPs on the fader will fade to their home level.
If you want to specify a time or use the cue time, the [Time] command must always
be entered after any other commands, such as {Minus Links} or {SingleParam}.
The exception to this rule is {Manual}.