166 Ion Operations Manual
Using Record Only
[Record Only] is similar to [Record] except that it selectively stores only manually set values,
preventing unwanted levels (such as from a submaster or another cue list), from being recorded
into the cue. Therefore, when used to record a cue, only the manual data for channels will be stored
in the cue. Any values in the previous cue that were unchanged will track into the new cue.
Double pressing [Record] will post Record Only to the command line.
All of the same commands used for [Record] may also be used for [Record Only].
[Record Only] <Cue> [Next] [Enter] - stores only the manually set values into the next cue
in the list.
[Record Only] [Cue] [3] [Enter] - stores only the manually set data into cue 3.
[2] [Thru] [8] [Record Only] <Cue> [9] [Enter] - stores only the manually set data for
channels 2 through 8 into the target cue 9.
[Group] [2] [Record Only] [Cue] [5] [Enter]- stores only the manual data from group 2 into
cue 5.
[selected channels] {Color} [Record Only] <Cue> [4] [Enter] - stores only the color data for
the selected channels into cue 4.
As with [Record], filters can further restrict stored data if deployed when using [Record Only]. See
“Using Filters” on page 199.