9Storing and Using Presets 153
Storing Presets using [Record Only]
[Record Only] is a selective record process that stores only manual parameter data. Therefore,
when used to record presets, only manual data for channels will be stored in the preset. As with
[Record], filters and {Make Null} can be used to further modify what information is stored. See
“Storing Data with Record Filters” on page201.
The following methods can be used to store presets using [Record Only]:
[Record Only] [Preset] [5] [Label] [name] [Enter] - records manual parameter data for all
channels and adds a label to preset 5.
[Record Only] [Preset] [Next] [Enter] - records manual data to the next sequential preset
[-] [3] [Record Only] [Preset] [n] [Enter] - stores the preset, withholding the group or
channels specified.
[Channel list] [Record Only] [Preset] [6] [Enter] - stores the preset, but only the manual
data for the channel list supplied.
[Channel list] {Color} [Record Only] [Preset] [7] [Enter] - stores only manual color data for
the specified channels to the preset.
Preset Options
When recording presets, two softkey options are available.


Absolute presets are presets that when recalled the data is displayed and treated like absolute data
applied to a channel. The data is never referenced. An absolute preset will display with an ‘A’ in the
lower corner of the direct selects.


Locked presets are presets that are protected from being accidentally changed in Live.
A locked preset will display a “L” in the lower corner of the direct selects.
Locked presets can be updated by specifically calling the channels and the record target, [channel
list] [Update] [record target] [Enter]. Using [Update] [Preset] [1] [Enter] would not work in Live for
a locked preset. However locked presets are not protected in Blind.