104 Ion Operations Manual
{Manual Control}
This desk setting button gives you access to Ion manual control settings.
Manual Time
In this section you may change the default times for manual changes to occur in live. Times can be
set for each parameter category (Intensity Up, Intensity Down, Focus, Color, and Beam). You may
use the [Thru] key to enter a value for all categories.
{Int Up} [Thru] [9] [Enter]
The default for each of these is 0 seconds.
Manual Control
This section allows you to specify the values for certain buttons and settings used in manual
control. To change any value, click the appropriate button in the CIA and use the keypad to enter a
new value.
Preserve Blind Cue - This enables the console to display the last selected cue in blind
when you return to blind. The default is disabled.
Level - This sets the default for Level (which is accessed in Ion by double pressing [Full]).
Any value between 0-100 may be entered. The default is 100.
Plus% - This sets the level for the +% (which is accessed in Ion by pressing [Shift] & [+]),
which will increase the selected channel by the set percentage. Any value between 0-100
may be entered. The default is 10%.
Minus% - This sets the level for -% (which is accessed in Ion by pressing [Shift] & [-]),
which will decrease the selected channel by the set percentage. Any value between 0-100
may be entered. The default is 10%.
Highlight Preset - This field is used to specify the preset that will be used for highlight
Lowlight Preset - This field is used to specify the preset that will be used for lowlight
Highlight Rem Dim - This enables a Remainder Dim when any highlight or lowlight
commands are given, thereby temporarily dimming any channel not participating in the
High/Low. An intensity level or a preset can be assigned in this field. Channels not in
highlight or lowlight that are not included in the RemDim IP or preset are not affected.
Live RemDim Level - This allows you to set the level for all remainder dim commands in
live. The default is 0. An intensity level or a preset can be assigned in this field.
Default Times
In this section you may change the default times for sneak commands and the respective feature
response times based upon parameter category. The default for these is 5 seconds, except for back
time, which uses a default of 1 second.