64 Ion Operations Manual
Using Output Address vs Port/Offset
The output address is the DMX or network DMX (often called EDMX) address. Examples of output
addresses are 510, 1, and 1024.
Port/offset refers to the DMX universe or port and the offset of the address. For example, since a
single DMX port can transmit 512 addresses (known as a “universe”), the port/offset for address
515 would look like 2/3 because address 515 is the 3rd address of universe 2.
An example of patching by port/offset in patch by address mode is [2][/][1][0] [At] [2][0] [Enter],
which patches universe 2 address 10, or 522, to channel 20.
By default, if you patch an address to a channel that is already patched, Ion will create a new part
for the new address. If you want to replace the current address with the new, use {Replace}:
[n] {Replace} [n] [Enter] - replaces the address in part 1 of the selected channel.
Helpful Hints
[At] [Next] [Enter] finds the next available address range large enough to accommodate the
selected device.
Examples of [At] [Next]:
[At] [2] [/] [Next] [Enter] - finds the next available address range on universe 2.
[At] [7] [7] [7] [Next] [Enter] - finds the next available address after 777.
[At] [/] [n] [Enter] can be used to patch an address on the same universe that was last used.
{Address} [n] [/]
The syntax {Address} [n] [/] can be used to select a full universe in patch.
[channel list] {Address} [n] [/] [Enter] - changes the addresses of all the selected channels
to a new universe while using the same offset.
{Address}[2] [/] [Copy To] [Copy To] <Address> [3] [/] [Enter] - moves all channels with
addresses in universe 2 to the same offsets in universe 3.
{Address} [n] [/] {Unpatch} - unpatches all patched addresses in the selected universe.
As it is possible to patch by either address or port/offset, pressing the [Data] key
will move between showing the patch as it was originally entered, then the output
address values, and last the port/offset.
An address can not be assigned to multiple channels, but a channel can have
multiple addresses assigned to it.
You can open or merge patch data from other show files, see Partial Patch
Opening, page 53 and Partial Patch Merging, page 55 for more information.