16 Cue Playback 223

Manual Intensity Override

An intensity transition may be taken over manually and the transition captured by dropping the
fader down until it reaches the percentage of cue completion (i.e. if the cue is 50% complete, when
the fader is manually dropped to 50%, the intensity transitions will be captured and the intensity
portion of the cue completed by moving the fader manually between 50% and full or anywhere in
between). If the fader is dropped below 50%, the fader will fade all intensity values proportionally
from their captured values to their previous values.
If a fade is captured and the faders are not reset to 100% prior to the next press of the [Go] button,
the fader will automatically reset to 100% upon cue execution. Alternatively, you can set the fader
to 0% before executing the next cue to capture the cue for manual intensity control when the [Go]
button is pressed if the fader is set to proportional control. Intensity control is released from the
fader when the cue is considered complete (when the fader is brought back to 100%). If the fader
is set as an Intensity Master, the intensity control is maintained, even when the cue has completed.
If a pending cue has any manual control properties, you may either preset the fader to zero o r, if it
is a virtual fader, the console will automatically set the fader to zero when the [Go] button is
pressed. The master fader pair must be manually set.
Manual intensity override is not possible if there is any manual timing in the cue, as the
potentiometer is already occupied with that control.

Manual Override

Manual override allows the potentiometer of the associated fader to control all parameters in a
transition state on that fader. When [Fader Controls] {Man Override} & [Load] are pressed, all
activity on that fader is frozen.
The potentiometer is used to manually complete the cue transition for all parameters. If the fader is
operating in a paired mode, the left fader controls the intensity upfade and all non-intensity
parameters, while the right fader controls all intensity downfade actions. Manual control override
automatically releases when the cue is complete.
A group of faders can be collected for manual override by pressing or clicking [Man Override] &
[Load] (continue adding faders by clicking the associated [Load] buttons).