262 Ion Operations Manual
Changing Fader Pages

On Fader Wings

The fader wing is paged using the [Fader Controls] button on the Ion console. Fader pages are
delineated in 10 fader increments. If you advance to the next fader page, your entire fader wing
array will advance by a total of 10 faders.
To change the fader page of a fader wing:
Step 1: Press and hold the [Fader Controls] button on the Ion console. The LCD on the fader
wing will display the available pages beneath the fader bump buttons.
Step 2: Press the bump button corresponding to the page you wish to display on the fader
wing. The fader wing will display those faders after your selection is made.

On the Slider Module

The slider module is paged on Ion using the page buttons that are displayed to the right of the
module. There are 30 available pages of sliders. Pages are delineated in 10 fader increments. Click
on the appropriate page button to access that row of sliders. You can scroll through the available
pages by clicking the arrow button(s) next to the page buttons.
On a 2x10 fader wing, you can only access the first 19 pages of faders.