4Patch 91

Range editing a parameter

You can enter the operational ranges for specific slots within any specific parameter (such as color
scroller, color wheel, gobo wheel, and so on).
For example, if the parameter were “Gobo Wheel”, and the fixture included a four-slot gobo wheel,
you can use ranges to determine the minimum/maximum values for each of those slots. You can
also label the slots and define the minimum/maximum values that will appear in the channel display
for that parameter.
To define the range values for any parameter:
Step 1: Use the [Page] keys to navigate to the parameter that you want to add ranges to.
Step 2: Press {Ranges}. The range list will open.
Step 3: Determine the total number of slots required by the parameter. Be sure to include
“open” slots when needed.
Step 4: Press {New} to add ranges. Repeat this step until you have as many slots as are
required by the number determined in step 3.
Step 5: Use the [Page] keys to select the range and field you wish to edit. Fields are:
Min - enter the minimum value (0-255) for the range slot you are defining.
Max - enter the maximum value (0-255) for the range slot.
User Min - enter the value that will be displayed to users (for example, what will be
displayed in the live summary view) when the slot is at its minimum value. Value
can range from -9999 to 65535.
User Max - enter the value that will be displayed to users when the slot is at its
maximum value. Value can range from -9999 to 65535.
Step 6: Press {Label} to add a label to any range slots. These will appear in the encoder LCD
when the related parameter is displayed for the new fixture.
Step 7: Press {Done} when you have finished editing the ranges.

Lamp Controls

For many devices, their lamp and motor control functions can be controlled remotely using DMX.
These will often require use of a timed sequence of DMX levels to control various functions such as
striking the lamp, resetting the fixture, and other specific actions.
To define the lamp controls for a device:
Step 1: With the fixture selected, press {Lamp Ctrls}. The lamp control display will open.
Step 2: Press {New} to add a lamp control.
Step 3: Press [Label] or {Ctrl Label} to label the new lamp control.
Step 4: Press {Steps} to open the lamp control editor.
Step 5: Press {New} to add any additional steps needed for the lamp control.
Step 6: Select the time column or press {Time} to change the timing for each step. Timing is
in seconds. The standard time in the Eos Family library is 12 seconds.
Step 7: For each step created, press {Levels} to set the DMX addresses and levels. You may
setup as many levels as needed for each step. Softkeys available for the fields are:
{DMX Number} - sets the DMX address.
{DMX Level} - sets the DMX level (0-255).
{All Offsets} - sets all parameters of the device to the defined level.
It is not recommended that you set the time to {Hold} unless the DMX value
should permanently remain at that level. In order to alter a level set with a time of
{Hold}, another lamp control to change that DMX value would need to be created.