22 Ion Operations Manual
The Central Information Area (CIA)
The Central Information Area (CIA) is displayed on the lower portion of the screen. By default, the
CIA consists of two primary areas: the parameter display and the browser.

Parameter Display

This display shows the parameters available for patched channels. It is also where you can select
which parameters to view in live or blind, or select parameters for command line control. The
parameter display will dynamically change depending on the channel (fixture) selected and its
applicable parameters.


The browser is the interface for numerous functions including saving a show, opening a show,
changing settings, viewing record target lists, opening displays and many other functions.

Collapse/Expand the CIA

It is possible to collapse the CIA from view. To do this, you can click the double arrow icon centered
above the CIA. The CIA will collapse from view, exposing a larger viewing area of whatever display
is visible above the CIA. The double arrows will move to the bottom of the screen.
To expand the CIA into view again, click the double arrow at the bottom of the screen. The CIA will
Parameter category button labels
Parameter display
arrows CIA lock
Favorite star