6Basic Manual Control 127
Remainder Dim
[Rem Dim] temporarily provides a zero intensity to all channels except those that are currently
selected, those that are parked, or those with intensity contributions from submasters. If the
remainder dim command is reversed, the stage returns to its previous state. You may use the
following commands for remainder dim:
[Next] and [Last]- moves through the channel list.
[select channels] [Rem Dim] [Enter] - sets all non-selected channels to zero
[Rem Dim]- clears the rem dim function and returns the stage to its previous state
Pressing [Rem Dim] again releases all channels from rem dim mode and restores the stage to its
previous state. Using the [Next] and [Last] buttons releases the current selected channel from
Remainder Dim mode and sets its intensity to zero, while selecting the next or last channel and
continuing Rem Dim operation.
For Example:
Assume channels 5 through 9 are selected and set at an intensity level of 50% and
channels 10 through 15 are selected and set at an intensity level of 70%. Select channel 9
and dim the remaining channels.
[9] [Rem Dim] [Enter]
Channel 9 is set at an intensity level of 50% and all remaining channels are dimmed to zero.
Selecting [Next] changes the channel selection to channel 10 which is set at an intensity
level of 70%, the level set in the previous state, and all remaining channels including
channel 9, are dimmed to zero.
[Rem Dim] can be used in groups including the use of [Next] and [Last] buttons to progress
through the channels within the selected group.
For Example:
Assume you have group 1 selected (includes channels 1 through 10) with an intensity value
of 50%, group 5 selected (includes channels 11 through 20) with an intensity value of 70%,
and group 7 selected (includes channels 21 through 30) with an intensity value of 100%
[Group] [1] [At] [5] [Enter]
[Group] [5] [At] [7] [Enter]
[Group] [7] [At] [Full] [Enter]
Select only Group 1 and dim the remaining Groups using the [Rem Dim] feature.
[Group] [1] [Rem Dim] [Enter]
Channels 1 through 10 are selected with an intensity value of 50%, and all remaining
channels are at a 0% intensity. You may progress channel by channel through the selected
group (Group 1, channels 1 through 10) using the [Next] or [Last] key. Each press of the
[Next] or [Last] key cycles you through only the channels of the selected group.
Pressing any other key terminates the [Rem Dim] mode and leaves channels at their
remainder dim value.
By default, [Rem Dim] will set to zero. In Setup, you can assign a remainder dim
value of something other than zero. See “{Manual Control}” on page104.For the
purposes of this discussion, the default value of zero will be used in examples.