Watch the playback at a different speed
To speed up a playback or to find a certain position in a record- ing, you can use functions such as
•Fast forward
•Slow motion
The functions can be performed not only during a normal play- back, but also during a pause recording in progress.
Fast Forward and Rewind during playback of an already finished recording
While watching the playback of a recording you can start Fast Forward or Rewind by pressing the appropriate button. You do not even need to have the recording menu on the screen.
•Press to start Fast Forward.
•Press to start Rewind.
•The playback will now speed up, either forwards or backwards.
•If you press the buttons repeatedly the speed will increase. At the bottom of the menu there is now an indication showing the speed, e.g. “Fast Forward 2”. The speed may be set be- tween 1 (not so fast) and 9 (very fast).
•If the speed is too high in any direction, just use the opposite button to slow down.
•To stop and return to normal speed, press OK.
Fast Forward and Rewind of a pause recording in progress
The Fast Forward function is useful when you just want to skim through e.g. a short pause recording, that is still in progress, in order to catch up the live broadcast of the programme. When you reach the end of a pause recording it will automatically finish and the live programme will be shown instead. (Unless you have changed the default setting for this in the “Digital Recording Pref- erences”, Line 5, on page 55.)
•First you must start the playback of the pause recording in progress by pressing OK.
•Then, press to start Fast Forward or
to Rewind
•The playback process is the same as described for the normal playback.
•Note, that the left counter will follow the Fast Forward/Rewind process while the right one will keep on showing recorded time for the pause recording in progress.
•To stop the Fast Forward/Rewind and return to normal playback speed, press OK.
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