108 Chapter 4
Linker Tools
Viewing Symbols in an Object file with nm(1)
Display information in a blank-separated output format. Each symbol name
is preceded by its value (blanks if undefined) and one of the letters
Bbss symbol
Ccommon symbol
Ddata symbol
Rsection region
Ststorage symbol (32-bit mode SOM files only) If the symbol
is local (nonexternal), the type letter is in lowercase. If the
symbol is a secondary definition, the type letter is followed
by the letter S. Note that –p is not compatible with –P.
Ttext symbol
Display information in a portable output format as specified below, to
standard output. Note that -P is not compatible with -P.-P
32-bit mode SOM files only: Silence some warning messages. -q
Prefix each output line with the name of the object file or archive, file.
Equivalent to –A.-r
64-bit mode ELF files only: Print the section index instead of the section
name. -s
Display each numeric value in the specified format. format can be one of:
dDisplay the value and size of a symbol in decimal. This is
the default for the default format or the –p format.
Equivalent to -d.
oDisplay the value and size of a symbol in octal. Equivalent
to -o.
xDisplay the value and size of a symbol in hexadecimal.
This is the default for the –P format. Equivalent to -x.
–t format
To Use This