For Those Using a Computer
15. Make sure that the “Model” field indicates
“ROLAND XV-2020,” and click [Next].
Driver installation will begin.
16. The Insert Disk dialog box will appear.
Click [OK].
17. The Files Needed dialog box will appear.
In the “Copy files from” area, type
“E:\Win2000\XV-2020” and click [OK].
18. The Found New Hardware wizard will
Make sure that the display indicates
“ROLAND XV-2020,” and click [Finish].
Wait until “Found New Hardware”
appears near the taskbar.
19. Restart Windows.
When driver installation has been
completed, the System Setting Change dialog box will appear. Click [Yes].

If you changed “What action do you want Windows to take?”

If you changed the What action do you want Windows to take? setting in step 4,
restore the original setting after Windows restarts.
1. If you are using Windows XP Professional, log on to Windows using the user
name of an administrative account (e.g., Administrator).
2. Click the Windows start menu, and from the menu, select Control Panel.
3. In “Pick a category,” click “Performance and Maintenance.”
4. In “or pick a Control Panel icon,” click the System icon. The System
Properties dialog box will appear.
5. Click the Hardware tab, and then click [Driver Signing]. The Driver Signing
Options dialog box will appear.
6. Return the What action do you want Windows to take? setting to the original
setting (either “Warn” or “Block”), and click [OK].
7. Click [OK]. The System properties dialog box will close.