Using the XV-2020 Effects
Flattens out high levels and boosts low levels, smoothing out
fluctuations in volume.
Compresses signals that exceed a specified volume level, preventing
distortion from occurring.
Uses a six-phase chorus (six layers of chorused sound) to give
richness and spaciousness to the sound.
This is a chorus effect with added Tremolo (cyclic modulation of
Parameter Value Description
Attack 0-127 Sets the speed at which compression
Sustain 0-127 Sets the duration of the compression.
Post Gain 0, +6, +12, +18 dB Adjusts the output gain.
Low Gain -15-+15 dB Gain of the low frequency range
High Gain -15-+15 dB Gain of the high frequency range
Level # 0-127 Output level
Pan # L64-63R Stereo location of the COMPRES-
SOR output
Parameter Value Description
Threshold 0-127 Adjusts the volume at which com-
pression begins
Ratio 1.5:1, 2:1, 4:1, 100:1 Compression ratio
Release 0-127 Adjusts the time after the signal
volume falls below the Threshold
Level until compression is no long-
er applied.
Post Gain 0, +6, +12, +18 dB Adjusts the output gain.
Low Gain -15-+15 dB Gain of the low frequency range
High Gain -15-+15 dB Gain of the high frequency range
Level # 0-127 Output level
Pan # L64-63R Stereo location of the LIMITER
L in
R in
L out
R out
Pan R
Pan L

Compressor 2-Band

L in
R in
L out
R out
Pan R
Pan L

Limiter 2-Band

Parameter Value Description
Rate # 0.05-10.00 Hz Frequency of modulation
Depth 0-127 Depth of modulation
Depth Deviation -20-+20 Adjusts the difference in modula-
tion depth between each chorus
Pre Delay 0.0-100.0 ms Adjusts the time until chorusing
is heard.
Delay Deviation 0-20 Adjusts the differences in Pre De-
lay between each chorus layer.
Pan Deviation 0-20 Adjusts the difference in stereo lo-
cation between each chorus layer.
0: All chorus layers are in the center.
20: The chorus layers are spaced at
60-degree intervals relative to the
Balance # D100:0W-
D0:100W Volume balance between the di-
rect sound (D) and the chorus
sound (W)
Level 0-127 Output level
Parameter Value Description
Cho Rate 0.05-10.00 Hz Modulation frequency of the
chorus effect
Chorus Depth 0-127 Modulation depth of the cho-
rus effect
Pre Delay 0.0-100.0 ms Adjusts the time until the cho-
rus sound is heard.
Treml Rate # 0.05-10.00 Hz Modulation frequency of the
tremolo effect
Phase 0-180 deg Depth of the tremolo effect
Treml Separation 0-127 Spread of the tremolo effect
Balance # D100:0W-
D0:100W Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the trem-
olo chorus sound (W)
Level 0-127 Output level
Balance W
Balance W
L in
R in
L out
R out

Hexa Chorus

Balance D
Balance D

Tremolo Chorus

L in
R in
L out
R out
Balance D
Balance D
Balance W
Balance W