Using the XV-2020 Effects
Using the XV-2020
6. Making Chorus Settings (-> p. 80)
Select the Chorus type to be used, and set each of the parameters for the selected Chorus.
7. Setting the Output Destination and Volume for the Sounds Passing Through the Chorus (-> p. 80)
Select the output jack and set the output level (volume) of the sounds passing through the Chorus. You
can also apply Reverb to the sound that passes through Chorus.
8. Making Reverb Settings (-> p. 80)
Select the Reverb type to be used, and set each of the parameters for the selected Reverb.
9. Setting the Output Destination and Volume for the Sounds Passing Through the Reverb (-> p. 80)
Select the output jack and set the output level (volume) of the sounds passing through the Reverb.

Audio Signal Flow

The audio path of direct sounds or sounds that have been passed through the effects in Performance mode
is shown in the figure below.
PERFORM PART ALL (Performance Part All Parameter)
When outputting in mono, the Pan setting is disabled.
Chorus and Reverb are output in mono at all times.
When the settings are such that signals are split and output from the L jack and R jack, and no plug is inserted
in the R jack, the sounds from L and R are mixed together, then output from the L jack. This sound comprises
the sounds from the L and 2 jacks.
When the Output Assign parameter is set to PATCH, the output level settings for the Patch or Rhythm Set as well as the Part
go into effect. If you want the various level settings of the Patch/Rhythm Set to be reflected as they are, set the various Part
levels to 127 (maximum).
For more on how to set each effect, refer to the pages shown below.
Multi-effects -> (p. 80)
Chorus -> (p. 81)
Reverb -> (p. 81)
Parameter Value Description
(Part Dry Send Level)) 0–127 Sets the direct sound’s volume for each Part. When Multi-effects are being applied, this sets the
amount of the effect that is applied; when Multi-effects are not applied, this sets the volume of
the direct sound.
(Part Chorus Send Level) 0–127 Adjusts the amount of Chorus for each Part. If you don’t want to add the Chorus effect, set it to 0.
(Part Reverb Send Level) 0–127 Adjusts the amount of Reverb for each Part. If you don’t want to add the Reverb effect, set it to 0.
(Output Assign) MFX, A,
1, 2, PAT Sets the direct sound’s output method for each Tone or Rhythm Tone.
MFX: Output in stereo through Multi-effects. You can also apply Chorus or Reverb to the
sound that passes through Multi-effects.
A: Output to the OUTPUT jacks in stereo without passing through Multi-effects.
1: Output from L.
2: Output from R.
PAT: The Part’s output destination is determined by the settings of the Patch or Rhythm Set
assigned to the Part.
Output Assign