
Freeze Mode begins
(See page 6-8)
Service Mode begins
(See page 6-11)
Harvest Mode begins
(See page 6-9)
Idle Mode begins
(See page 6-7)
Flush Mode begins
(See page 6-6)
When ti me, or
temperatu re is
satisf ied go this
direct ion
Idle Mode ends
when th e bin is
not full
When "Clean" has ended
and "Power On" is
selected go this direction
When Harvest en ds
go thi s directi on if
the bi n is not full
The unit is first turned
on, (“On” is pressed)
Clean may be selected
at anytime. When
selected go this direction
5 minute Fl ush
Mode end s

Before using this chart, confirm that you have electronic control board #6100499.

Look for the part number on the control, or use the following procedure:

1. Disconnect the bin thermistor.

2. Place the unit into the Clean mode.

3. If the Clean LED flashes 2 times, it is the new control. The old control will not

flash the LED.

Clean Mode begins
(See page 6-11) When Harvest ends
go this direction if
the bin is full