
ThisKrell producthasa limited warrantyof five yearsfor partsandlaboroncircuitry. Shouldthis product.failto per- format anytimeduringthe warranty,Krell will repairit at nocostto the owner,exceptasset forth in this warranty.

Thewarrantydoesnot apply to damagecausedby acts of Godor nature.

Thewarrantyonthis pageshall bein lieu of anyotherwar- ranty, expressedor implied,including,but not limited to, anyimpliedwarrantyof merchantabilityor fitness for a par- ticular purpose.Thereare nowarrantieswhichexceed beyondthosedescribedin this documentIf. this product doesnot performas warrantedherein, the owner'ssole remedyshall berepair. In noeventwill Krell beliable for incidental or consequentialdamagesarising from pur- chase,use,or inability to usethis product,evenif Krell has beenadvisedof the possibility of suchdamages.

Proofof purchasein the formof a bill of saleor receipted invoicesubstantiatingthat the unit is within the warranty periodmustbepresentedto obtainwarrantyservice. The warrantybeginsonthe dateof the originalretail purchase, as notedonthe bill of sateor receiptedinvoicefroman authorizedKrell dealeror distributor. Previouslyowned equipment,whenre-purchasedfrom anauthorizedKrell dealeror distributor, hasthe balanceof the original war- ranty, basedonthe original dateof manufacture.

Thewarrantyfor Kr.ell productsis validonlyin thecountryto whichthey wereoriginally shipped,throughthe authorized Krell distributorfor that country,andat the factory.There maybe restrictions on or changesto Krell's warranty

becauseof regulationswithin a specific country.Please checkwith yourdistributor for a completeunderstandingof

the warrantyin yourcountry.

If a unit is servicedbya distributorwhodid notimportthe unit, theremaybea chargefor service,evenif the product is withinthewarrantyperiod.

Freightto the factoryis yourresponsibility.Returnfreight withinthe UnitedStates(U.S.A.)is includedin thewarranty. If youpurchasedyourKrell productoutsidethe U.S.A.and wishto haveit servicedat thefactory,all freightandassoci- ated chargesto the factory are your responsibility.

Krell will payreturnfreight to the U.S.A.-basedfreight for- warderof yourchoice.Freightandotherchargesto shipthe

unit fromthe freight forwarderto youarealsoyourrespon- sibility.

Krell is not responsiblefor anydamageincurredin transit. Krell will file claimsfor damagesasnecessaryfor unitsdam- agedin transit to the factory.Youareresponsiblefor filing claimsfor shippingdamagesduringthe returnshipment.

Krell doesnot supplyreplacementparts and/orproductsto the ownerof the unit. Replacementparts and/orproducts will befurnishedonlyto the distributorperformingserviceon this unit onanexchangebasisonly; anyparts and/orprod- uctsreturnedto Krell for exchangebecomethe propertyof Krell.

Noexpressedor implied warrantyis madefor anyKrell productdamagedby accident, abuse,misuse,natural or personaldisaster,or unauthorizedmodification.

Anyunauthorizedvoltage conversion,disassembly, componentreplacement, perforation of chassis, updates,or modificationsperformedto the unit will voidthe warranty.

Theoperatingvoltageof this unit is determinedbythe fac- tory andcanonly bechangedby anauthorizedKrell dis- tributoror at the factory.Thevoltagefor this productin, the U.S.A.cannotbechangeduntil six monthsfromthe original purchasedate.

In the eventthat Krell receivesa productfor warrantyservice that hasbeenmodifiedin anywaywithoutKrell authoriza- tion, all warrantiesonthat productwill bevoid.Theproduct will bereturnedto originalfactorylayoutspecifications the owner'sexpensebeforeit is repaired.All repairsrequired after the producthasbeenreturnedto original factoryspec- ifications will bechargedto the customer,at currentparts andlaborrates.

All operationalfeatures,functions,andspecificationsand policiesaresubjectto changewithoutnotification.

Toregister your productfor warrantybenefits, please complete and return the Warranty Registration Cardenclosedin the shipping box within 15 days of purchase.Thankyou.

Krell HomeTheater Standard


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Krell Industries HTS 2 manual Warranty

HTS 2 specifications

Krell Industries has long been recognized for crafting high-performance audio equipment, and the HTS 2 is no exception. This high-end home theater surround processor is designed to deliver an exceptional audio experience, making it a sought-after component for audiophiles and home theater enthusiasts alike.

One of the standout features of the Krell HTS 2 is its advanced signal processing capabilities. The processor supports multiple audio formats, including Dolby Digital and DTS, ensuring that users enjoy the immersive surround sound experience that modern films and music provide. With high-resolution audio formats in mind, the HTS 2 can handle multi-channel audio, making it an ideal choice for those wanting to enjoy the latest in home cinema technology.

The HTS 2 incorporates Krell's proprietary technology to enhance audio fidelity. Notably, it utilizes Krell's award-winning analog preamplifier technology to maintain sound integrity. This design ensures that the audio signals remain clean and true to the source, offering a listening experience that is both rich and nuanced. With a zero-feedback amplifier design, the processor minimizes distortion and enhances dynamic range, allowing for clear sound reproduction even at high volumes.

In terms of connectivity, the Krell HTS 2 is equipped with an array of input options, including HDMI, digital coaxial, optical, and balanced XLR connections. This versatility allows users to connect a variety of sources, such as Blu-ray players, gaming consoles, and streaming devices. The advanced HDMI functionality also supports 3D video and high-resolution audio, ensuring that it meets the demands of modern multimedia.

Another noteworthy aspect is the intuitive user interface, which simplifies navigation and setup. The on-screen display guides users through the configuration process, allowing them to optimize settings for their specific room acoustics and personal preferences.

The HTS 2 is also engineered with a robust build quality that is synonymous with Krell products. Its sleek chassis not only contributes to an attractive aesthetic but also helps in isolating internal components to reduce interference, which further enhances sound quality.

In summary, the Krell HTS 2 represents a harmonious blend of cutting-edge technology and expert craftsmanship. With its high-performance audio processing capabilities, multiple connectivity options, and user-friendly interface, it stands out as a premium choice for anyone looking to elevate their home theater experience. Whether for movie nights or critical listening sessions, the HTS 2 promises to bring audio to life in stunning detail.