5: Commands and Levels



ping <host>

Ping destination 5 times with 5 second timeout

ping <host> <count>

Ping destination n times with 5 second timeout

ping <host> <count> <timeout>

Ping destination n times with x timeout (in seconds)


Reboot system

reload factory defaults

Reload factory defaults to permanent storage

secret xcr dump

Dump XML configuration containing secrets to the console

secret xcr dump <group list>

Dump specified XML configuration containing secrets to


the console

secret xcr export <file>

Save XML configuration containing secrets to a file

secret xcr export <file> <group list>

Save specified XML configuration containing secrets to a


local file


Show system information

show history

Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current


CLI session.

show hosts

Show domain settings

show ibio2100

Show system information

show interfaces

Show interface statistics

show ip sockets

Show UDP/TCP state information

show processes

Show thread runtime information

show sessions

Show active Telnet and SSH Sessions

show xsr

Show XML Status Record counters


Enters the SSH configuration level.

ssh <optClientUsername> <host>

Begin SSH session on network .

ssh <optClientUsername> <host> <port>

Begin SSH session on network :.


Enters the SSL configuration level.

telnet <host>

Begin telnet session on network .

telnet <host> <port>

Begin telnet session on network :.

trace route <host>

Trace route to destination

tunnel <line>

Enters the tunnel level.


Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.

xcr dump

Dump XML configuration to the console

xcr dump <group list>

Dump specified XML configuration to the console

xcr export <file>

Save XML configuration to a file

xcr export <file> <group list>

Save specified XML configuration to a local file

xcr import <file>

Load XML configuration from a local file

xcr import <file> <group list>

Load specified XML configuration from a local file

xcr list

List XML Configuration Record groups to the console

xsr dump

Dump XML Status Records to the console

xsr dump <group list>

Dump specified XML Status Records to the console

xsr export <file>

Save XML Status Record to a file

xsr export <file> <group list>

Save specified XML Status Record to a local file

xsr list

List XML Status Record groups to the console

eventtrak 1 (config-eventtrak:1) level commands



Clears the screen.

eventtrak <number>

Changes to the command level for EventTrak configura-




Exits to the configuration level.

IntelliBox-I/O 2100 Command Reference


Page 63
Image 63
Lantronix 2100 manual Eventtrak 1 config-eventtrak1 level commands