3: Command Line Interface
To configure the , you must be in the enable level and any of its
Figure 3-3 Enable Level Commands
>enable |
<enable>#? | auto show processes |
auto show interfaces | |
auto show xsr | chem <number> |
clear interfaces counters | clear query port counters |
clear xsr counters | clrscrn |
configure | connect |
connect line <line> | device |
disable | exit |
filesystem | io |
kill line <line> | kill ssh <session> |
kill telnet <session> | line <line> |
lpd | no clear interfaces counters |
no clear query port counters | no clear xsr counters |
nslookup | nslookup <host> |
ping <host> | ping <host> <count> |
ping <host> <count> <timeout> | reload |
reload factory defaults | secret xcr dump |
secret xcr dump <group list> | secret xcr export <file> |
secret xcr export <file> <group list> | show |
show history | show hosts |
show ibio2100 | show interfaces |
show ip sockets | show processes |
show sessions | show xsr |
ssh | ssh <optClientUsername> <host> |
ssh <optClientUsername> <host> <port> | ssl |
telnet <host> | telnet <host> <port> |
trace route <host> | tunnel <line> |
write | xcr dump |
xcr dump <group list> | xcr export <file> |
xcr export <file> <group list> | xcr import <file> |
xcr import <file> <group list> | xcr list |
xsr dump | xsr dump <group list> |
xsr export <file> | xsr export <file> <group list> |
xsr list |
<enable># |
See the Chapter 5: Commands and Levels at the end of this document for a complete list of levels, commands, and descriptions.
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