User Manual
Parameter description of Port 25 and Port26:
Connector Type:
Display the connector type, for instance, UTP, SC, ST, LC and so on.
Fiber Type:
Display the fiber mode, for instance,
Display the fiber optical transmitting central wavelength, for instance, 850nm, 1310nm, 1550nm and so on.
Baud Rate:
Display the maximum baud rate of the fiber module supported, for instance, 10M, 100M, 1G, 10G and so on.
Vendor OUI:
Display the Manufacturer's OUI code which is assigned by IEEE. Vendor Name:
Display the company name of the module manufacturer. Vendor P/N:
Display the product name of the naming by module manufacturer. Vendor Rev (Revision):
Display the module revision.
Publication date: June, 2005
Revision A1