To run the printer test, follow these steps:

1 Make sure the paper and ribbon are installed.

2 Turn the printer Off.

3 Press Line Feed while you turn the printer On. 4 After a few seconds, release Line Feed.

To stop or interrupt the printer test:



Press Start/Stop. The test stops after a complete line of characters has printed.

Press Start/Stop to continue the printer test.

Programming Examples

Examples in this manual have been formatted to be processed by a simple BASIC program. The BASIC program reads an input file and writes data to an output file. Printer commands may be entered into the input file in a hexadecimal format and enclosed with opening and closing delimiters.

The opening delimiter is a less-than symbol, ’<’, followed by an ’x’. The ’xmay be either upper or lower case. The closing delimiter is a greater-than symbol,


Within the delimiters, hexadecimal data must be presented in two-digit pairs. White space, blanks, carriage returns and line feeds may be used between the pairs. In addition, a comment may be added to the end of a line by using a minus sign, ’-’, at the start of the comment. All data after a minus sign is ignored until a carriage return or line feed is encountered.

The example format used in this book is shown below:






select character set 2



select code page 437



set print quality to letter quality



set font global to Courier 12




All of the examples use this encoding method and have been tested using the following BASIC program:

1000 INPUT "Enter file name to be printed"; FILENAME$ 1010 OPEN FILENAME$ FOR INPUT AS #1

1020 OPEN "prtrout.bin" FOR OUTPUT AS #2

1030 WHILE EOF(1) = 0

1040 I$ = INPUT$(1, #1)


Section 1: Introduction

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Image 18
Lexmark 249X, 248X manual Programming Examples