Menu item Description
Sides (Duplex)
1 sided to 1 sided
1 sided to 2 sided
2 sided to 1 sided
2 sided to 2 sided
Specifies whether an original document is duplex (twosided) or simplex (one-sided),
and then specifies whether the copy should be duplex or simplex
1 sided to 1 sided—The original page has printing on one side and the copied
page will also have printing on one side.
1 sided to 2 sided—The original page has printing on one side while the copied
page will have printing on both sides. For example, if the original document is
six sheets, the copy is three sheets with printing on both sides.
2 sided to 1 sided—The original page has printing on both sides while the
copied page will have printing on only one side. For example, if the original
document is three sheets with an image on each side of each sheet, then the
copy is six sheets with only one image on one side of each sheet.
2 sided to 2 sided—The original page has printing on both sides and the copy
mimics the original exactly.
Paper Saver
2 on 1 Portrait
2 on 1 Landscape
4 on 1 Portrait
4 on 1 Landscape
Allows copying two or four sheets of a document on one page
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Print Page Borders
Specifies whether or not a border is printed around the edge of the page
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
On [1,2,1,2,1,2]
Off [1,1,1,2,2,2]
Keeps the pages of a print job stacked in sequence when printing multiple copies
Note: On is the factory default setting.
2 holes
3 holes
4 holes
Determines the type of hole punch finishing to be used in a print or copy job
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Lets you enable or disable the staple finisher
Off is the factory default setting.
This menu only appears when a staple finisher is installed.
Understanding printer menus 182