loading, 2000sheet highcapacity
feeder 72
loading, multipurpose feeder 90
loading, trays 90
letterhead printing 90
light colored line, white line, or
incorrectly colored line appears on
prints 298
light, indicator 14
exit bins 77
linking exit bins 77
linking trays 76
Load Manual Feeder with [custom
string] 267
Load Manual Feeder with [custom
type name] 267
Load Manual Feeder with [paper
size] 267
Load Manual Feeder with [paper
type] [paper size] 267
Load staples 267
2000sheet highcapacity
feeder 72
550sheet tray (standard or
optional) 69
letterhead in 2000sheet
highcapacity feeder 72
letterhead in multipurpose
feeder 90
multipurpose feeder 74
loading card stock
in multipurpose feeder 74
loading envelopes
in multipurpose feeder 74
loading the multipurpose feeder 74
loading the standard tray 69
loading transparencies
in multipurpose feeder 74
lock, security 26
making copies using paper from
selected tray 98
types installed on printer 230
memory card
installing 30
troubleshooting 293
Memory full, cannot print
faxes 267
menu settings page
printing 47
Active NIC 154
AppleTalk 159
Bin Setup 152
Confidential Print 169
Configure MP 144
Copy Settings 181
Custom Bin Names 151
Custom Names 150
Custom Scan Sizes 151
Custom Types 150
Default Source 141
diagram of 138
Disk Wiping 169
Edit Security Setups 167
Email Settings 198
Fax Mode (Analog Fax Setup) 187
Fax Mode (Fax Server Setup) 196
Finishing 217
Flash Drive 208
FTP Settings 204
General Settings 172
Help 229
HTML 227
Image 228
IPv6 158
Job Accounting 216
Miscellaneous 168
Network [x] 154
Network Card 156
Network Reports 156
Paper Loading 148
Paper Size/Type 141
Paper Texture 145
Paper Weight 147
Parallel [x] 162
PCL Emul 224
PDF 223
PostScript 224
Quality 219
Reports 153
Security Audit Log 170
Serial [x] 164
Set Date/Time 171
Setup 214
SMTP Setup menu 166
Standard Network 154
Standard USB 160
Substitute Size 145
Supplies 139
TCP/IP 157
Utilities 222
Wireless 159
XPS 223
menus diagram 138
Miscellaneous menu 168
mobile device
printing from 88
moving the printer 244, 245
moving your printer 10
multipurpose feeder
loading 74
setting up 23
Network [x] menu 154
Network Card menu 156
network options 25
Network Reports menu 156
network settings
Embedded Web Server 246
network setup page
printing 48
Networking Guide
where to find 246
noise emission levels 315
nonvolatile memory 230
erasing 231
notices 313, 314, 315, 316, 317,
318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323
2,000sheet highcapacity feeder,
installing 45
550sheet tray, installing 45
fax card 25
firmware card 32
firmware cards 25
flash memory card 32
Internal Solutions Port,
installing 34
memory card, installing 30
memory cards 25
network 25
order of installation 44
ports 25
printer hard disk, installing 38
printer hard disk, removing 43
updating in printer driver 49
Index 332