♦MyAlbum to save the selected video to My Album.
♦MyContent to save the selected video to My Content.
■Copy/Move to copy or move videos to a selected album.
♦CopyThis to copy the selected video to the album.
♦CopyAll to copy all videos in the current album to the target album.
♦MoveThis to move the selected video to the album.
♦MoveAll to move all videos in the current album to the targeted album.
■Details/Edit to display the following options:
♦TextCaption to edit the selected video's caption. You can create a new caption of up to 16 characters.
♦VideoInfo to display information such as the video's caption, time/date, and size.
■AlbumList to display the My Albums List.
■MediaFilter to display the following options:
♦All to display all media.
♦PicturesOnly to display only pictures.
♦VideosOnly to display only videos.
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