Important Information About Forearm Testing (continued)
•You should also use fingertip testing whenever you have a concern about hypoglycemia (insulin reactions) such as when driving a car, particularly if you suffer from hypoglycemic unawareness (lack of symptoms to indicate an insulin reaction), as forearm testing may fail to detect hypoglycemia.
What you should do:
•Use forearm or fingertip samples for testing prior to, or more than two hours after, meals, insulin doses, or physical exercise.
•Routine testing before meals can be done either at the fingertip or the forearm.
•Consult your healthcare professional before you begin using the forearm for testing.
STEP 1 Install the OneTouch®
UltraClear™ Cap.
To aid in obtaining a blood sample from the forearm, replace the regular sampler cap with the OneTouch® UltraClear™ Cap. If necessary, set the sampler for a deeper puncture.