Step-by-Step Test Procedure
NOTE: You cannot perform a blood glucose test until you have set up the meter completely.
Insert This End
STEP 1 Insert Test Strip.
Insert a test strip, contact bars end first and facing up, into the test port. (Contact bars must be inserted all the way into the meter or you may get an inaccurate test result.) The meter will turn on automatically. All segments will appear briefly on the display followed by the date and time. Then "code ª∫" (example) and the R symbol will appear. If the code number on the display does not match the code number on the test strip vial, code the meter.
STEP 2 Apply Sample.
Obtain a small drop of blood using the OneTouch® UltraSoft™ Adjustable Blood Sampler. (See pages
The blood sample must be at least
1.5microlitres ( actual size) in volume or you may get an inaccurately low test result.