KICKBACK may occur when the NOSE or TIP of the guide bar touches an object, or when wood closes in and pinches the sew chain In the cut.

Tip contact in some cases may cause a lightning-fastreverse reaction, kicking the guide bar up and back toward the operator.

PINCHING.the saw chain along the BOTTOM ol the guide bar may PULL the saw Iorward away from the operator. F_NCHING the saw chain along the TOP of the guide bar may PUSH the guide bar rapidly back toward the operator.

Any of these reactions may cause you to lose control of the saw, which could result in serious personal injury.


Your McCulloch Chain Saw is provided with a safety label located on the CHAIN BRAKE ® LEVER I HAND GUARD. This label, along with the safety instructions on these pages, should be caralully read before attempting to operate this unit.



Used to warn thai an unsafe procedure should not be pedorrned.


Recommended cutting procedures.

IIy a des risques de REBONDS sl la POINTE du guide-chaTne entre en contact avec un objet, ousi le bois se resserre et coince ta chaine de la tron_.onneuse.

Un contact avec la pointe du guide-chatho pout parfois causer une r6acUon inverse instantan6e, causant un soubresaut du guide-chalne le poussant vera le haul et I'ard_rao=3se trouve rutilisateur.

COINCER la chalne vers le BAS du guide*chatne risque de PROPULSER la tron_,:onneusevers I'avanlen direction oppos6e de rutillsateur. COINCER la chaine le long du HAUT du guide-chaine risque de POUSSER rapidement ce demier vers rutilisateur.

Chacune de cos r6actions risque de vous faire perdra contr61e de la trongonneuse el peut entrainer de s6rleuses blessuras.


Votre trongonneuse McCulloch comprend une 6ticluette avedissement situ6e sur le LEVIER DE CHAIN BRAKE®. Cette 6Uquette etles r_gles de s6curil6 comprises Ici doivent 6tra lues attentivement avant toule mise en marche.



Utills6 pour vous pr6venir qu'uneprocedure dangareuse est _ 6viter.


Proc6d6 de coupe recommand6.

EL CONTRAGOLPE puede ocurrir cuando la NARIZ o la PUNTA de la barra gula toca un objeto, o cuando la madera se cierra y pelllzca la cadena al momento del code.

El contacto de la punta atgunas veces puede causar una reacck_n reversiva rel&mpago, pateando la barra gufa hacla arriba y atr_s hacla el oporador.

EL PELLIZCADO de la cadena de la sierra a lo largo de la BASE de la barra gula puede JALAR la sierra hacla adelante lejos del operador. PELLIZCANDO la cadena de la sierra a Io largo de la PUNTA de la barra gufa puede EMPUJAR la barfs gula r&pidamente para atr&s hacia el operador.

Cualquiera de estas reacclones puede causer que usted plerda el control de la sierra, Io cual puede resullar en serias leslones personales.


Su Sierra-de-Cadena McCulloch esta proveida con una elk:luela de seguridad Io'calizadaen la MANUA DEL

CHAIN BRAKEe, Esta eliqueta, junto con las instrucciones de seguridad en eslas p_ginss, deber_n ser leidas antes de intentar operar estas unidades.



Utillzado pare prevenlr de un procedimiento inseguro que no deber_ set ejecutado.


Procedimlenlos de code recommendados.


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McCulloch MACE3210 user manual Kickback Safety Labels, Recommande, Etiquette Securite Pour Rebonds

MACE3210 specifications

The McCulloch MACE3210 is a versatile and powerful chainsaw designed with both amateur and professional users in mind. This model stands out for its innovative features, advanced technologies, and robust characteristics, making it a reliable tool for a variety of cutting tasks, from tree felling to firewood preparation.

One of the main features of the MACE3210 is its engine. It is equipped with a strong 32cc two-stroke engine that offers impressive performance while remaining lightweight and easy to handle. This engine not only provides significant power for cutting but also ensures efficient fuel consumption, allowing users to work longer without frequent refueling.

The MACE3210 also incorporates McCulloch's Easy Start technology, which simplifies the starting process. This feature significantly reduces the effort required to start the engine, making it more accessible for users of all skill levels. This convenience is further complemented by the chainsaw's anti-vibration system, which helps to minimize the fatigue associated with prolonged use. This technology enhances user comfort, allowing users to work for extended periods without discomfort.

In terms of safety, the chainsaw includes a chain brake system that stops the chain in emergencies, providing enhanced safety for the user. The chain tensioning system is also tool-less, allowing for quick adjustments to be made without the need for additional tools. This feature not only saves time but also ensures that the chain remains properly adjusted for optimal cutting performance.

The MACE3210 features a durable and lightweight design, making it easy to maneuver in various environments, including dense woods and tough terrains. The ergonomic handle contributes to a secure grip, adding to the overall user-friendly experience. The transparent fuel tank allows users to monitor fuel levels at a glance, ensuring that they are never caught off guard during projects.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the MACE3210 is its compatibility with various bar lengths, enabling users to customize the saw for a range of cutting tasks. Whether you are pruning branches, cutting firewood, or tackling larger fallen trees, the MACE3210 adapts to meet your specific needs.

Overall, the McCulloch MACE3210 is a well-designed chainsaw that combines power, safety, and user-friendly features. With its reliable performance and advanced technologies, it is an excellent choice for anyone looking to tackle outdoor cutting projects efficiently and effectively.