Figure 17 KVM Port Settings
25.KVM Port Settings
1.Assign names for each port.
2.Define hotkeys to switch to each port.
Choose either Minicom default hotkeys by selecting Minicom
Or choose your own hotkeys. The syntax to define a new hotkey is as follows: <keycode> [ + - * ] <keycode>.
For example
The * sign inserts a pause with a definable duration. Add more than one pause if necessary. See Appendix B on page 80 for a list of key codes.
3. Press Apply at the bottom of the page. The settings are saved.
Smart 16 IP uses separate mouse synchronization settings - see page 14 - and
It is still possible to apply OSD key combinations through the Remote Console for switching the KVM port. However, video and mouse synchronization settings will be shared among the ports and may be unintentionally changed for one of those ports.