1.From the Security Settings page choose Create your own SSL certificate. The window appears as in Figure 31.
Figure 31 CSR
2. Fill in the fields:
Common name - Network name of Smart 16 IP once installed in the user's network. It is identical to the name that is used to access the card with a Web browser. In case the name given here and the actual network name differ, the browser will pop up a security warning when the card is accessed over HTTPS.
Organizational unit - Specifies which department within an organization Smart 16 IP belongs.
Organization/Locality/City/State/Province - Organization to which Smart 16 IP belongs + location.
Country - Use the 2 letter ISO code, e.g. DE for Germany.
Challenge Password/Confirm- Some certification authorities require a challenge password to authorize later changes on the certificate. The minimum is 4 characters.
Email - Of a security contact person that is responsible for Smart 16 IP.