SMART CAT5 SWITCH 16 IP. matches any IP packet
Policy - Determines what to do with matching packets. They are accepted or dropped.
NOTE: The order of the rules is important. The rules are checked in ascending order until a rule matches. Rules below the matching one are ignored. The default policy applies if no match has been found.
Append a rule – To add a rule to the end of the rule list: Enter the IP/Mask and
set the policy. Then press .
Insert a rule - To insert a rule according to the rule number: Enter the rule
number, IP/Mask and set the policy. Then press . All rules with higher numbers are shifted below.
Replace a rule - Enter the rule number, IP/Mask and set the policy. Then press .
Delete a rule - Enter the rule number and press .
Anti Brute Force Settings
Anti Brute Force Settings lets you block access to a specific user, for a fixed amount of time if a predefined number of unsuccessful login attempts by this user occurred.
Max. number of failed logins – insert a maximum number or leave it blank to disable Anti Brute Force.
Block time - Block time in minutes - insert a number or leave it blank.
To unblock blocked users. Connect to the Smart 16 IP Serial 1 port using terminal software, and type unblock. A list of blocked users appears. Select the users to unblock.
33.SNMP Settings
The following information is available via SNMP:
•Serial number
•Firmware version
•MAC address / IP address / Netmask / Gateway of LAN interface
•Configured users