
4. Projector registration
4.2. Registration of projector to “ProjectorVi ew Global+”Theprocedurestoregisterprojectorsvaryamo ngtheforegoingconnectionexamples.
• Inconnectionexamples1and2(whereprojectorsareinsta lledwithinthesamelocalnetwork),theprojectors
within such network are automatically detected and registered. For deta ils, see procedure A below.
• Inconnectionexample3(whereprojectorsareinstalledviaaro uter),specifytherangeoftheprojectors’IP
addresses and then carry out automatic proje ctor search within the range to register projectors. For details,
see procedure B below.
• Upto200unitsofprojectorscanberegisteredatthemaximum.
• Projectorsthathavejustbeenregisteredbytheautomaticprojectorsearcha ren’tbelongingtoanygroup.
When the projectors you registered aren’t displayed on the projector list on the main s creen, select “All” from
the group select pull-down menu.
Procedure A - For connection examples 1 and 2 (where projectors are installed within the
same local network)
(1) Start up “ProjectorView Global+”.
(2) Select “Search Projector” from “Configurat ion” of the menu bar on the main screen.
• TheprojectorsconnectedtoLANaresear chedautomatically.
• Someprojectorsmayrequireyoutoenterthepasswordwhenestablishingproje ctorconnectionsfortherst
time. If the projector password is changed, you need to enter that new password.
• EnsurethattheIPaddressofthePCandthatoftheprojectorareinthesamenetworkg roup.(Thelastoctet
of the IP address should contain a different value.)
• BesuretomakeanoteoftheIPaddressesyouset.IfyouforgettheIPaddresses,youmaynotbeableto
detect the projectors again.
• Atinitialsetup,DHCPorAutoIP(
Note that a different IP address may be assigned every time you sta rt the projectors. If a connection cannot
• IfyouchangetheIPaddressintheprojectormenuaftertheprojector shavebeendetected,execute“Search
Projector” again.
• ItisrecommendedthatyouassignanIPaddressoftheprojectortothexedIPaddre ss.
• IfseveralprojectorswiththesameIPaddressareregistered,del etetheoneswhicharenotconnectedtothe
network from “Edit Projector Setting”.