10. Telnet setup (Telnet enabled projectors only)
projectors, and the industry standard protocol PJLink based re mote projector management tool, the display
language on the ProjectorView, the LAN controlled mode, and the PJLink certificati on mode by running Telnet on
the projector screen.
Telnet is not available when using other than the projectors listed in page 32. Configure the above settings in
ProjectorView in this case.
• Bydefault,TelnetisdisabledonWindowsVistaorWindows7.ToenableTelnet,gotoControlPanelandselect
[ProgramsandFeatures].Intheleftcolumn,select[TurnWindowsfeaturesonorof f]andthencheckthebox
(1) Select the projector that you want to configure on Telnet from the l ist of projectors on the
main screen.
• RunTelnetononeprojectoratatime.Multipleprojectorscannotbesetsimultaneously.
(2) Click [Telnet] in the toolbar on the main screen.
• Acommandpromptstarts.
• Anerrormessageappearsiftheselec tedprojectorisnotTelnetenabled.Ifthishappens,congurethe
projector from ProjectorView.
(3) Press the [Enter] key when the above scr een appears.
• Pressthe[Enter]keywithinveseconds.Ifnot,theconnectionisterminatedandthe[Enter]keyisnot
recognized.Ifthishappens,exitthecommandpromptandstar titagain.
(4) Setup menus appear.
For more information on telnet, see the LAN Control Utility manu al that comes with the projector.