8. ProjectorView
8.6.2. E-mail setting(1) Click [SETUP] button in the ProjectorView main wi ndow (ALERT E-MAIL).
• AlertE-mailSetup��windowisdisplayed.
• BesuretoenterdatawithinveminutesaftertheAlertE-mailSetupwindowisdisplayed.ClickO Ktosave
changes. The connection will turn off in five minutes after the win dow is displayed so you need to go back
to the main window (ALERT E-MAIL) to access the Alert E-mail Setup wi ndow.
(2) Set each item referring to the explanation descr ibed below.
Regarding the settings, consult your network administrator or ch eck the settings of your E-mail server.
Item Description
Alerte-mailservice TurnON/OFFthesendingofanaler tE-mail.
SMTP Server *1 Enter the name of the SMTP server that is used for sending an E-m ail. (Designate by
URL or IP address.)
Port *2 Enter the port number of the SMTP server. (Default value: 25)
DNS Server *3 Enter the name of the DN S server when you designate the SMTP server or POP
server using an URL. (Designate by IP address.) For details, con sult your network
E-mailaddress1/2/3*4 EnterthedestinationaddressofthealertE-mail.(e.g.administrator@xxx.xxx.x xx)
(Up to 64 characters) (Up to 3 addresses can be designated.)
E-mail from *4 EnterthesourceaddressofthealertE-mail.(e.g.PJView@xxx.xxx.x xx)
Authentication settings Configure the following settings when you use the SMTP ser ver having the
authentication function.
Authentication method Select the authenti cation method for sending an E-mail.
OFF: No authentication for sending an E-mail.
SMTP-Auth: To use this method, enter User name, Password, and SMTP-
Auth method.
POP before SMTP: To use this method, enter User name, Password, POP Server
name, and Port number.
User name *4 (When you select the SMTP authentication) Enter the user name and password
registered on the SMTP server.
Password *4 (When you select the POP before SMTP) Enter the user na me and password
registered on the POP server.
SMTP-Auth method Select the SMTP authentication method.
Plain: Password is sent to the SMTP server unencrypted.
Login: Password is sent to the SMTP server unencrypted.
CRAM-MD5: Password is sent enc rypted.
POP server *1 Enter the POP server name that is used for the POP before SMTP authentic ation.
(Designate by URL or IP address.)
Port *2 Enter the port number of the POP server. (Default: 110)
*1 Use onl y alphanumeric characters and marks (- _ . ˜).
*2 For data entr y, use alphanumeric characters.
*3 For data en try, use alphanumeric characters and mark (.).
*4Fordatae ntry,usealphanumericcharactersandmarks(+-/=*_!?.,:;#$%&()|<>[]{}"' @).