4. Projector registration
• SetthedefaultgatewaysoftheprojectorsandPCcorrectly.Fordetails,contactyournetworkadministr ator.
• BesuretomakeanoteoftheIPaddressesanddefaultgatewaysyouset.Ifyouforgetthesettingvalues,you
may not be able to detect the projectors again.
• Atinitialsetup,DHCPorAutoIP(throughautomaticallyassignsanIPaddress.
Note that a different IP address may be assigned every time you sta rt the projectors. If a connection cannot
• IfyouchangetheIPaddressintheprojectormenuaftertheprojector shavebeendetected,execute“Search
Projector” again.
• ItisrecommendedthatyouassignanIPaddressoftheprojectortothexedIPaddre ss.
4.3. When changing the projector IP set tings

(1) Select the projector which you like to change from the pr ojector list on the main screen.

(2) Select "Assign IP" from “Configuration” of the menu bar on t he main screen.

• “AssignIP”windowisdisplayed.

(3) To automatically assign an IP a ddress, select [Auto] and then select DHCP. To manually

assign an IP address, sel ect [Manual] and enter values for IP Address , Subnet Mask, and

Default Gateway.

Item Description
DHCP Obtain an IP address via a DHCP server.
IP Address Enter an IP address.
Subnet Mask Enter the subnet mask.
Default Gateway Enter the default gateway address.
• AnerrordialogfortheftdetectionmaybedisplayedaftertheI Psettingshavebeenchanged.
• IfaconnectioncannotbeestablishedaftertheIPse ttingshavebeenchanged,execute“SearchProjector”.
• IfyouwanttochangetheIPaddressofaprojectorconnectedviaarouter,youneedtospecifyasear chrange
of IP addresses that includes the new IP address in “Search Projec tor Setting”.
• Consultyournetworkadministratoraboutthesubnetmaskanddefaultg atewayinadvance.