9. Visual PA2 (Visual PA2 enabled projectors only)9.5. Configuring the Schedule func tion of Visual PA2
By using the Visual PA2’s Schedule function, your intended messages can be displayed on the sc reen at a set
(1) Click [Edit] in the Schedule area.
• "VisualPA2Schedule"windowisdisplayed.(Thewindowbelowshowstheexamplewhentheschedule s
have been entered in three rows.)
Item Description
Enable Enables the Schedule function for a particular day or period in each row.
Day From the pull-down menu, selects the day or period during which the Sched ule
Fri, Sat, Mon-Fri, Mon-Sat, Sat-Sun, and Everyday.)
Turn-on Time From the pull-down menu, s ets the start time in the Schedule function.
Period From the pull-down menu, sets time period during whic h a message is displayed.
Data Name From the pull-down menu, selects the me ssage to be displayed on the screen
when the Schedule function is enabled.
(More than one message should be saved in advance. See “9.2. Saving
messages entered and settings specifie d in Visual PA2” on page 29.)
Clear Clears all e ntries from the selected row.
Exit Saveschangesandclosesthewind ow.
(2) Configure settings ( through ) and check/uncheck th e checkboxes for .
• Uptotenschedulescanbecongured,usingthefourrowsinthetable.(Youcancongureasched ulefor
each row.)
• Bydefault,whennoscheduleisentered,thetablehasonlyonerow.Anewrowisautomatically
added when you enter the items for , , , and in the ��rst row. In this manner, up to ten rows are
automatically added to the table.
(3) Click [Exit] to close the window.
• Onceaschedulehasbeencongured,itisexecutedautomaticallyeveniftheVis ualPA2windowisnot
• IfyousendmessagesmanuallyfromVisualPA2whenaschedul eisbeingexecuted,thesemessageshave
higherpriorityoverthatschedule.Inaddition,whenthesetting sofaschedulecurrentlybeingexecutedare
reconfigered, the Visual PA2 window will close automatically.
• Morethanoneschedulecannotbeconguredatthesametimeonthes ameday.
• TheScheduleSettingwillbeexecutedwhile“ProjectorViewGlobal+”isinoperation.
• Dependingonusageconditions,suchaswhentherearesom anyprojectorstocontrol,timelapsesmayoccur
between the start time of Visual PA2 and the star t time of a schedule.
• WhenNetworkTimeProtocol(NTP)isusedtoautomaticallysynchronizewithanIntern ettimeserver,thestart
time of a pre-configured schedule may not match the clock of the projec tor, and the schedule may not be
• Whentheautomatictimeadjustmentbysummertimeisvalid,thescheduleoperationmaynotbeexecuted
because the time is automatically adjusted before and after switching over.