Menu bar
Configuration Youcanspecifythefollowingsettings:
AddNewGroup: Youcancreateanewgroup.
EditScheduleSetting: Youcaneditschedulesettingssetforexistinggroups.
Search Projector: Automatically searches available projectors.
AssignIP: YoucancongureIPsettingsoftheprojector.
EditProjectorSetting: Youcaneditprojectorsettings.
EditE-mailSetting: YoucancongureE-mailsettingsusedforthisapplication.
SearchProjectorSetting: Youcanspecifyasearchrangeforcommunic ationwiththeprojectorviaa
rou ter.
SystemConguration: Youcanconguresystemsettingsofthisapplication.
Help The version information is displayed.
Tool bar
ProjectorView YoucancontroleachprojectorseparatelyusingaWebbrowser.Incaseofanerrorin
the projector, the details of the error are displayed. For details, see page 20.
Teln et YoucanmakevarioussettingsusingTelnet.(Telnetenabledprojec torsonly)
certification. For details, see page 31.
Visual PA2 Youcandisplayalineofanytextontheprojectorscreen(VisualPA2ena bled
projectors only). For details, see page 28.
Remote Controller RemoteContro llerwindowcanbedisplayedtooperatetheprojector.Youcanturn
Refresh Status The current status of Power, Input Source, AV Mute, and Lamp Time (Low) of the
projectors being displayed in the projector list can be reacquire d. The status of Input
Source and AV Mute will not be obtained under the following conditions:
• whentheprojectorispoweredoff
• duringwarm-uporcool-down.
Select All Allprojectorscur rentlydisplayedontheprojectorlistcanbesettoselected/non
selected state.
Exit Youcanexit“ProjectorViewGlobal+”.However,youcannotexittheapplication
during the automatic projector search and the projector status refre shing. Even
clicking the button at the upper right corner of the main screen. In this case,
Windows warning message is displayed.
3. Main screen