Using Your Phone’s Menus
Change the Octave
Set the new octave (1, 2, or 3) before selecting the note. The
new octave applies to the note and all following notes until you
change it again.
Select the Note (Required)
Press a keypad key to enter a note.
Change a Note to a Sharp or Flat
Enter a sharp or flat (# or b) after selecting the note. Some
sharps and flats are played as standard notes. For example, B# is
the same as C. Press S to scroll to valid notes when entering a
new note.
Change a Note’s Length
Set the new length (h, w, or q) after selecting the note. The new
length applies to the note and all following notes until you
change it again.
0qquarter note or quarter rest
hhalf note or half rest
wwhole note or whole rest
Key Phone Display