Using Your Phone’s Menus
Message Inbox
This option allows you to display a list of the received messages.
A received message may contain an icon, animation, and
ringtone. Messages are sorted from newest (highest message
number) to oldest (lowest message number, which is 1).
Scroll to the message you want and press + (Read) to open
and read it.
Press the Menu key M to access the following message inbox


This option allows you to reply with a message.
When you select this option, you can press the Menu key M to
access the Create Message options. (See “Create Message” on
page 89.)

Call Back

This option can be used to call:
the person who sent you the message
a number included in quotes in the message
This option will work only with a single SMS text
message.The number must include a minimum of 3 digits,
but cannot exceed 20 digits. The number may NOT include
the w (wait), p (pause), or other special symbols (*, #).