About Phonebook Entries
5The default Speed Dial number assigned to the phone number is displayed in the Speed # field. This is always the next available Speed Dial location.
NOTE: Private ID numbers do not have associated Speed Dial numbers.
To accept the default Speed Dial location, go to step 6.
If you want to assign the phone number to a different Speed Dial location:
With the Speed # field highlighted, press C under CHANGE.
Press C under DELETE to delete the current Speed Dial number.
Type the new Speed Dial number using the alphanumeric keypad. When you are finished, press C under OK.
NOTE: If you change the Speed Dial number to one already in use, you will be prompted to overwrite the entry that is currently in that location.
Pressing C under YES will delete the existing entry from your
6If you want to store more numbers to the name associated with this Phonebook entry, press R to scroll to Type and then press C under
The Type Editor displays.
Enter the information for the additional numbers using step 3 through step 6.
NOTE: Each name in your Phonebook may have up to seven phone numbers, one Private ID and one IP address associated with it.
7When you have entered all the information for this Phonebook entry, press C under DONE.
Storing Numbers and Private IDs Fast
Your phone gives you two ways to store numbers quickly: from the idle screen and from the Recent Calls list.