Chapter 1 - Introduction and Description
Front Panel Description
The front panel contains three groups of LEDs that provide the status of the Ethernet connection, Voice/Fax channels, and general status of the MultiVOIP. The front panel is shown in Figure
Figure 1-3. Front Panel
RCV Receive Data indicator blinks when packets are being received from the local area network.
LNK Link indicator lights when the Ethernet link senses voltage from a concentrator or external device.
XMT Transmit Data indicator blinks when packets are being transmitted to the local area network. COL Collision indicator lights when a collision is detected on the Ethernet link.
FXS Foreign Exchange Station indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured for FXS operation.
FXO Foreign Exchange Office indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured for FXO operation.
E&M Ear and Mouth indicator lights when the voice/fax channel is configured for E&M operation. FAX Fax indicator lights when there is fax traffic on the voice/fax channel.
XMT Transmit indicator blinks when voice packets are being transmitted to the local area network. RCV Receive indicator blinks when voice packets are being received from the local area network.
XSG Transmit Signal indicator lights when the
RSG Receive Signal indicator lights when the
The BTG indicator lights when the MultiVOIP is booting or downloading setup.
The Power indicator lights when power is applied to the MultiVOIP.