Serial Port: The connector on a PC used to attach serial devices (those that need to receive data one bit after another), such as a mouse, a printer or a modem. This consists of a 9- or
Service: The requirements offered by an RPOA to its customers to satisfy specific telecommunications needs.
Severely Errored Seconds (SES): Refers to a typical T1 error event where an error burst occurs (a short term, high
clearing). Per the
Signaling: The process of establishing, maintaining, accounting for, and terminating a connection between two endpoints. For example, the user premises and the telco CO. Central office signals to the user premises can include ringing, dial tone, speech signals, and so on. Signals from the user's telephone can include
Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP): TCP/IP protocol that allows network management.
Simultaneous Voice Data (SVD): A technology for letting a user send data via a modem, and use a handset to talk to another user at the same time over the same connection. The alternative, making a second call, can be expensive or even impossible. The uses for SVD are telecommuting, videoconferencing, distant learning, tech support, etc.
Stop Bit: One of the variables used for timing in asynchronous data transmission. Depending on the devices, each character may be trailed by 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bits.
Superframe (D4): A T1 transmission format that consists of 12 DS1 frames, or 2316 bits. A DS1 frame consists of 193 bit positions. A frame overhead bit is in the first position, and it is used for frame and signaling phase alignment only.
Subscriber Loop: See "Local loop".
Switched 56: A
Switched Virtual Circuit (SVC): A type of data transmission where the connection is maintained only until the call is cleared.
Switched Line: In communications, a physical channel established by dynamically connecting one or more discreet segments. This connection lasts for the duration of the call after which each segment may be used as part of a different channel. Contrast with leased line.
Switched Network: A network in which a temporary connection is established from one point via one or more segments.
Synchronous Data Link Control (SDLC): A discipline conforming to subsets of the Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures (ADCCP) of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and
Synchronous Transmission: The transmission of data which involves sending a group of characters in a packet. This is a common method of transmission between computers on a network or between modems. One or more synchronous characters are transmitted to confirm clocking before each packet of data is transmitted. Compare to Asynchronous Transmission.
Systems Network Architecture (SNA): The description of the logical structure, formats, protocols, and operational sequences for transmit- ting information units through, and controlling the configuration and operation of of, networks.
Tariff: The rate/availability schedule for telephone and ISDN services from a regulated service provider.
TCP/IP: A set of communication protocols that support
T Carrier: The generic name for a digitally multiplexed carrier system. In the North American digital hierarchy, a T is used to designate a DS
(digital signal) level hierarchy. Examples: T1 (DS1) is a 1.544 M bps
T1: A digital transmission link capable of 1.544M bps. T1 uses two pairs of normal UTP, and can handle 24 voice conversations, each digitized at 64K bps. T1 is a standard for digital transmission in the U.S., Canada, Japan and Hong Kong. T1 is the access method for high- speed services such as ATM, frame relay, and SMDS. See also T Carrier, T1 line and FT1.
T1 Channel Tests: A set of diagnostics that vary by carrier, used to verify a T1 channel operation. Can include Tone, Noise Level, Impulse Noise Level, Echo Cancellors, Gain, and Crosstalk testing.