©NationalInstruments Corporation G-13 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
match score A number ranging from 0 to 1000 that indicates how closely an acquired
image matchesthe template image. A match score of 1000 indicates a
perfectmatch. A match score of 0 indicates no match.
median filter Alowpass filter that assigns to each pixel the median value of its neighbors.
Thisfilter effectively removes isolated pixels without blurring the contours
memory buffer See buffer.
Extract and alter the structure of objects in an image. Youcan use these
transformations for expanding (dilating) or reducing (eroding) objects,
fillingholes, closi ng inclusions, or smoothing borders. They are used
primarilyto delineate objects and prepare them for quantitative inspection
MSB Most significantbit.
M-skeletonfunction Usesan M-shaped structuring element in the skeleton function.
Nneighbor A pixelwhose value affects the value of a nearby pixel when an image is
processed. The neighbors of a pixelare usually defined by a kernel or a
structuring element.
Operationson a point in animage that take into consideration t he valuesof
the pixelsneighboring that point.
NI-IMAQ Driversoftware for National Instruments IMAQ hardware.
nonlinearfilter Replaceseach pixel value with a nonlinear function of its surrounding
nonlinear gradient filter A highpass edge-extraction filterthat favors vertical edges.
nonlinear Prewittfilter A highpass, edge-extraction filterbased on two-dimension al gradient
nonlinear Sobel filter A highpass, edge-extraction filterbased on two-dimension al gradient
information. The filterhas a smoothing effect that reduces noise
enhancementscaused by gradient operators.