©NationalInstruments Corporation 2-1 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
Getting Measurement-ReadyImagesThis chapter describeshow to set up your imaging system, acquire and
display an image, analyze the image, and prepare the image for additional
Set Up Your Imaging System
Before you acquire, analyze, and process images, you must set up your
imaging system. The manner in which you set up yours ystem depends on
your imaging environment and the type of analysis and processing you
needto do. Your imaging system should p roduce images with high enough
quality so that you can extract the information you need from the images.
Followthe guidelines below to setup your imaging system.
1. Determine the type of equipment you need given your space
constraintsand the s izeo fthe object you need to inspect. For more
information, see Chapter3, System Setup and Calibration,ofthe
IMAQ Vision Concepts Manual.
a. Make sure your camera sensor is large enough to satisfy your
minimum resolution requirement.
b. Makesure your lens has a depth o ffield high enough to keep all
ofyour objects in fo cus regardless of their distance from the lens.
Also,make sure your lens has a focallength that meets y our
c. Make sure your lighting provides enough contrast between the
objectunder inspection and the background for you to extract the
information you need from the image.
2. Positionyour camera so that it is parallel to the object under
inspection.If your camera acquires images of the object from an angle,
perspectiveerrors occur. You can compensate for these errors with
software,but using a parallel inspection angl e obtains the fastest and
most accurate results.