©NationalInstruments Corporation G-7 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
form Windowor area on the screen on which you place controls and indicators
tocreate the user interface for your program.
Fourierspectrum The magnitude information of the Fourier transform of an image.
Fouriertransform Transforms an image from the spatial domain to the frequency domain.
frequencyfilters Counterparts of spatial filters in the frequency domain. For images,
frequencyinformation is in th ef orm of spatial frequency.
function A set of software instructions executed bya sin gle line of code that may
haveinput and/or output parameters and returns a value when executed.
gamma The nonlinear change in the difference between the video signal's
brightness leveland the voltage level needed to produce that brightness.
gauging Measurement of an object or distances between objects.
Gaussian filter A filter similar to the smoothing filter, but using a Gaussian kernel in the
filteroperation. The blurr ingi na Gau ssianfilter is more gentle than a
smoothing filter.
gradient convolution
See gradient filter.
gradientfilter Extractsthe contours (edge detection) in gray-level values. Gradient filters
include the Prewittand Sob el filters.
graylevel The brightness of a pixelin an image.
gray-leveldilation Increasesthe brightness of pixels in an image that are surrounded by other
pixelswith a higher intensity.
gray-levelerosion Reduces the brightness of pixels in an image that are surrounded by other
pixelswith a lower intensity.
grayscalei mage An image with monochrome information.
Functions that perform morphological operations on a gray-levelimage.