©NationalInstruments Corporation G-9 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
hue offsetangle Thevalue added to all hue values so that the discontinuity occurs outside
the valuesof interest during analysis.
image Atwo-dimensional light intensity function f (x, y) where x and y denote
spatialcoo rdinates and the value f at any point (x, y) is proportional to the
brightness at that point.
image border A user-definedregion of pixels surrounding an image. Functions that
processpi xelsbased on the value of the pixel neighbors require image
Image Browser Animage that contains thumbnails of images to analyze or process in a
vision application.
image buffer Memory location used to store images.
image definition See pixel depth.
image enhancement The process of improving the quality of an image that you acquire from
as ensor in terms of signal-to-noise ratio, image contrast, edge definition,
image file A filecontaining pixel data and additi onal information about the image.
image format Defineshow an image is stored in a file. Usually composed of a header
image mask Abinary image that isolates parts of a source image for furth er processing.
Apixel in the source image is processed if its corresponding mask pixel has
an on-zero value.A source pixel whose corresponding mask pixel has a
valueof 0 is lef t unchanged.
image palette Thegradation of colors used to display an image on screen, usually defined
bya color lookup t able.
image processing Encompassesvarious processes and analysis functions that you can apply
to an image.
image source Original input image.
image understanding A technique that interprets the content of the image at a symbolic level
ratherthan a pixellevel.