Chapter1 Introductionto IMAQ Vision
IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual 1-4
IMAQ Machine Vision Function Tree
The IMAQ Machine Vision function tree (NIMachineVision.fp)
contains separate classes corresponding to groups or types of functions.
Table 1-2 lists the IMAQ Machine Vision function types and gives a
description ofeach type.
Functionsfor th eextraction and m anipulation of complex planes. Functions of
this type perform FFTs, inverseFFTs, truncation, attenuation, addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division of complex images.
Barcode A function that reads a barcode.
LCD Functionsthat find and read seven-segment LCD characters.
Meter Functionsthat return the arc information of a meter and read the meter.
Utilities Functions that return structures, and a function that returns a pointer to
predefined convolution matrices.
Obsolete Functions that are no longer necessary but may existin older applications.
Table1-2. IMAQMachine Vision Function Types
Function Type Description
Coordinate Transform Functions that findcoordin ate transforms based on image contents.
Countand MeasureObjects A function that counts and measures objects in an image.
Find Patterns A function that findsp atterns in an image.
Locate Edges Functionsthat locate different types of edges in an image.
MeasureD istances Functions that measure distances between objects in an image.
MeasureIntensities Functions that measure light intensities in various shaped regions
within an image.
SelectRegion of Interest Functions that allowa user to select a specific region of interest in
an image.
Table1-1. IMAQVision Function Types (Continued)
FunctionType Description