Chapter4 BlobAnalysis
©NationalInstruments Corporation 4-5 IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual
commonly used measurements,including the area, projection along
the x-axis and y-axis, and perimeterof each blob.
imaqSelectParticles()Thisfunction selects information about
blobs from the reports generated by imaqGetParticleInfo().
Blobsthat do not meet the criteria you set are filtered from the reports.
imaqCalcCoeff()Thisfun ction uses the reports from
imaqGetParticleInfo()or imaqSelectParticles() to
calculate 50 particle measurements.
Table4-1 lists all of the measurements that imaqCalcCoeff() returns.
Table4-1. ParticleMeasurement s
Measurement Description
IMAQ_AREA areaof the particle in pixels
IMAQ_AREA_CALIBRATED areaof the particle in user-defined units
IMAQ_NUM_HOLES number of holes within the particle
IMAQ_AREA_OF_HOLES totalarea of the part icle holes in pixels
IMAQ_TOTAL_AREA areaof the particle and its holes
IMAQ_IMAGE_AREA areaof the entire imagein real-world units
IMAQ_PARTICLE_TO_IMAGE ratio,expressed as a percent, of the surface area of a
particlein relation to the image area
IMAQ_PARTICLE_TO_TOTAL ratio,expressed as a percent, of the surface area of a
particle in relation to the total area of the particle
IMAQ_CENTER_MASS_X x-coordinateof th ecen ter of mass
IMAQ_CENTER_MASS_Y y-coordinateof th ecen ter of mass
IMAQ_LEFT_COLUMN leftx-coordinate of thebounding rectangle
IMAQ_TOP_ROW top y-coordinate of the bounding rectangle
IMAQ_RIGHT_COLUMN rightx-coo rdinate of the bounding rectangle
IMAQ_BOTTOM_ROW bottom y-coordinate of bounding rectangle
IMAQ_WIDTH width of bounding rectangle in user-definedunits
IMAQ_HEIGHT heighto f bounding rectangle in user-definedunits
IMAQ_MAX_SEGMENT_LENGTH lengthof longest hor izontal line segment in a particle