IMAQVision for LabWindows/CVI User Manual G-14
Nth order filter Filtersan image using a nonlinear filter. This filter orders (or classifies)
the pixelvalues surrounding the pixel being processed. The pixel being
processed is set to the Nth pixel value,where N is the order of the filter.
number of planes
(in an image)
The number ofa rrays of pixelsthat compose the image. A gray-level or
pseudo-color image is composed of one plane, while an RGB image is
composed of three planes (one for the red component, one for the blue,
andone for the green).
object A connected regionor grouping of pixels in an image in which all pixels
havethe same intensity level. Objects are also referred to as blobs or
offset The coordinate position in an image where you want to place the origin of
another image. Setting an offsetis useful when perform ing mask
opening An erosion followedby a dilation. An opening removes small objects and
smooths boundaries of objects in the image.
operators Allowmasking, combination, and comp arison of images. Youcan use
arithmetic and logic operatorsi n IMAQVision.
Amachine vision application that inspects the quality of pri nted characters.
optical representation Contains the low-frequencyinformation at the center and the high-
frequencyinformation at the corners ofan FFT-transformed image.
outer gradient Finds the outer boundary of objects.
overlay ROIs, text, and bitmaps that you can place on top of a displayed image to
annotate it without modifying it.
palette Thegradationof colors used to display an image on screen, usually defined
bya color lookup t able.